THE LYING MUST STOP! – JFK Assassination Was HOAXED. Jimmy Carter IS JFK. SEE FOR YOURSELF | Let the Pretentious Ridicule Begin

My close friends tell me that I was built for this. Born to be the one to carry the water for and bear the burden of ridicule that comes with the most controversial and hard-to-accept of all the conspiracy theories. I’d stare a false flag shooting victims family dead in the eye and tell them that their child is not dead(the ones that I have thoroughly researched and am more than confident with my assessment of). I’d tell that same family that they are lying pieces of shit and if they want my guns so bad, why don’t they try stopping by one day and see if they are able to forcibly disarm me. I regularly defile the web-presence of many of the worst of the worst of the “content creators” who try to play “white knight” for all these demonic tranny occultists and mainstream public figures. Channels who I deem as the most despicable of all the mainstream paradigm protecting shills, con-artists, hateful demagogues and overall dummies. I do it because no one else will and someone has to. Maybe I’m chemically imbalanced, maybe I’m blessed. Maybe both. I know I’m far from normal.
What my present and future dissidents need to understand is that I LOVE IT when people come after me over topics that I’m well versed on and overly confident in the righteousness of my position on. When I see someone decide to come at me with a reckless, vicious and despicable attack, I get those same kind of butterflies that you used to get as a child on Christmas morning.
On the flip side, If I’m still undecided and/or you say something new & insightful, accompanied with some solid evidence that convinces me otherwise, I’ll humbly acknowledge it, admit I was wrong, explain why I think your right and apologize if needed.
But when I have reached a high level of confidence in a particular position that you have decided you want to disagree with, and then make the mistake of attempting to childishly attack me over, WATCH OUT. You better come HARD, and equipped with more than the usual weak ass shit that so many of the over-emotional, low-IQ dummies try to come at me with on the reg.

JFK Assassination Was A Staged Event. Hold On For A Wild Ride!
Date: March 16, 2020Author: Jerry Derecha @adrenogate0
J.F.K. ASSASSINATION FAKED – STAGED EVENT: The Real Truth About John F. Kennedy’s Staged Assassination Event

i know many will have difficulties with this one, but remember that there is no going back.
we are the innocent. we are the manipulated. we are the victims. disregard them all
because they messed so flippantly with our emotions, our lives and the lives of our children.
but by hating we only hurt ourselves. best is to forgive, but not to forget.
never, ever forget.
here the hoax is fleshed out completely and leaves absolutely no doubt.
The J.F.K. ‘Murder Was a Staged/Hoaxed Event
this hoax was the prequel to the 9/11 hoax with most of the same players
intricately involved.
we finally see the reason for all the added conspiracy junk.
it is to disguise the fake heart of all these matters.
it is time now friends. it will continue for as long as we allow it.
choose freedom, if not for ourselves, then for our beautiful children.
i know there will be much resistance to this one, but it won’t make it any less true.
– ATS Above Top Secret
Here a website and thread with comments about the following story
[ j.f.k. went on his merry way! (ATS)

The events in Dealey Plaza were a Psy-Op
The ‘shots’ and JFK’s ‘headwound’ were simulated, the purpose was to create an immense MYTH in plain sight.
The ‘Proof’ has always been with us in the form of the Zapruder Film. 29 seconds long, 500 frames at 16 frames per second. We have 2 “Complete” versions here. A completely Stabilized, 720/1040 High Definition, 3D Version. And an ‘Enhanced’ completely Stabilized (1) Frame Per Second Version.
The key here is “High Definition” – “Full Screen”, and knowing where, when and what to look for.
The Short Version:
JFK had a flesh colored explosive ‘dye-pack’ type device attached to the right side of his face and the top of his head. It also covered at least his right eye with the same flesh colored material. The controls for the device were located under his chin or neck-tie area.
But since he was blind in at least his his right eye, (the left eye and side of his face are never shown after they drive past the sign. That could of been protected too.) due to the flesh colored protection, he might have problems setting off the device.
This is where Jackie K. comes in.
Jackie Kennedy had (3) very important jobs that day.
1) Assist JFK with ‘Setting Off’ the device.
2) Withstand the blast from the device going off in her face. (Like a powerful balloon bursting in your face.)
3) Securing the ‘Fake’ Headwound Make-up device in place with a transparent or white, cord or ribbon type material, already embedded into or around the suit collar area of JFK’s suit.
Everything went perfect. She assisted and set off the device. She quickly reached around behind his head with her right hand and found the white cord/transparent ribbon, and pulled it tight…
…and then things went brilliantly wrong.
The cord snapped and a piece of it fluttered onto the trunk. EVIDENCE!
She sprang from the back seat onto the trunk and crawled out after it. She got it with her right hand and started pushing herself back into the car seat.
The nearby Secret Service Agent, barely touched her. In fact, it seems he may of pointed at it a couple of times.
She sat down, they drove away…end of drama.
Number of websites in the World that have this information as of today: 1
The Youtube video that contained this information has vanished within one day.
The other website is still up, but it didn’t provide any information other than, the JFK Assassination was a ‘Hoax’.
The video that is gone told and marked exactly what to look for on the Zapruder Film, which of course is part of the cover-up itself. It was right on.
Every single website that contains information about the JFK Assassination is Bogus. Every Single one. Which is all of them. They all talk about an assassination, when there wasn’t one.
Just like today, all the media is talking about the Boston Marathon Explosions. But since the whole thing was a fake staged event, then everything they have to say on the subject is a fabricated lie. There are no dead bodies, so there are no killers to look for. It’s hilarious! 🙂
Complete Zapruder Film Stable HD 3D
You’ll need to go through the videos very slowly, stopping, or moving along , at only a few frames at a time.
Everything you will need is in this HD Zapruder Film.
The film below is not HD, but it plays along at a nice speed so you can see what’s going on, if you know what to look for.
Zapruder Film Enhanced – One Frame Per Second
You’ll need to go through the videos very slowly, stopping, or moving along , at only a few frames at a time.

This is the frame with the white cord or strap that Jackie pulls to secure the Fake Headwound.
One moment later it snaps/breaks and flutters out onto the trunk of the limo. Where she jumps out after it and gets it.

Look at this picture very carefully.
1) JFK doesn’t have an eye on the right side of his face. It’s actually covered up by a flesh colored explosive dye pack device.
2) Jackie is helping him to set it off, since he is at least partially blind.

There are several things to note in these 2 frames;
In frame 314, the arrow points at a projectile type of object that was shot out and upward out of the SFX explosive pack.
And in both frames, you can see a white trail of dust or smoke. this shoots up several feet into the sky. This photo is to small to see it, but the powder like substance forms a cone shape up to the object the arrow is pointing at.
Also cropped out of the frame, is a small white piece of paper that als was ejected from the SFX Pack and then drifted over the car.
The smoke hung around for a second or two before fading away.
And it’s right after this that Jackie reaches around behind JFK’s head and first finds the ‘Securing Strap’.
You will also noticed that Jackie doesn’t move away, but ducks her head down, to withstand the blast she knew was coming.

This is a full frame of frame 313.
Here you can see the small white piece of paper that was also ejected from the SFX Pack, right above the windshield.
In this frame, Jackie is looking directly at the explosion as it goes off. In the next frame, she has already stared to duck her head down.

This is a great sequence.
in the very first frame, you can clearly see the large flesh colored SFX Pack on his Jaw. It’s large and lumpy. This is the spot ‘the source video’ said to look at first. The video has since been removed by Youtube. In fact, it was removed within one day of us starting this post.

This is the frame right after the strap breaks and flies onto the trunk. A moment later, she jumps after it.
We belive it’s the small blur of white object about 2 feet from her right elbow towards the Agent. As she goes for it, her eyes and those if the agent, never leave it.
In fact, he appears to point it out at one point. He points at it, as if to say,”There it is!”

Here’s other frames of her catching and pulling on the cord to secure the SFX Headwound assembly.
Also notice that lack of blood on this massive headwound. Iv’s seen cuts bleed more!
She should of had brain and blood all over the top half of her!
This is only the beginning.
It took us over fifty years to learn the truth about the JFK Scam.
It took us 11 years to learn the truth about 911
It took us less than 3 months to learn that the Batman Shootings and the Sandy Hook Incident were both fake staged events.
It took us less than 3 days to prove the Boston Marathon Explosions were a faked staged event.
The next time this BS happens, it will take us less than 3 hours to prove it false, and after that…less than 3 minutes.
The times, they are a changing!
Anyone can take this information and get large HD enhanced still shots from the video, and make a truth video that would be pretty incredible.
We’ve done our part, now let you go ‘Make some noise!”
Ball Of Confusion (That’s What The World Is Today)
JFK Is Still Alive!

Total Voice Match: play both together!
Jacqueline Kennedy Campaign Interview
Re: Was J.F.K. murdered?
Unread post Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:08 pmLee Harvey Oswald… reported to be taken out by Jack Ruby on Nov. 24, 1963 and then buried the very next day on the 25th. But, who were the pallbearers for this event scheduled so hastily you ask? Members of the media, of course.
I arrived to discover dozens of police and federal agents, writers and photographers, but no mourners waiting to bid Oswald goodbye or good riddance.
…if we’re gonna write a story about the burial of Lee Harvey Oswald, we’re gonna have to bury the son of a bitch ourselves.So much for the legal right of “innocent until proven guilty” in this reporter’s writings. … ed-up.html
From the photos it looks like the funeral may have been closed casket; understandable with Oswald having taken a shot to the gut and all. Equally understandable as to the contrasting decision for the future MLK open casket funeral with the gun shot reportedly occurring to his apparently unscathed face. And surely, the more modern day Bin Laden kill-to DNA verify-to plop into the sea in 24 hours funeral arrangement team must have understood the secrets to burial efficiency taken from the Oswald experience. <img src=”” width=”20″ height=”20″ alt=”<_
Edit 11/26 — Additionally, prior to the shooting of Oswald, how is it that this police lieutenant could be allowed to handle a piece of evidence so carelessly, especially when related to a presidential assassination investigation? … 63/354783/Last edited by Libero on Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:59 pm, edited 14 times in total.TopsimonshackAdministrator
Re: Was J.F.K. murdered?
Unread post Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:14 pm*
Walter Cronkite’s FINAL confirmation of JFK’s alleged death. His words are:
“From Dallas Texas, the flash, apparently official, president Kennedy died at 1pm CST – 2 o’clock EST, some 38 minutes ago. Vice president Johnson has left the hospital in Dallas but we do not know to where he has proceeded, presumably he will be taking the oath of office shortly and become the 36th president of the United States.”
Here’s a longer version of this historical broadcast. Note the incredibly short time that elapses between the “wholly unconfirmed reports” of JFK’s death – and Walter Cronkite’s statement that vice president Johnson will “presumably take the oath of office shortly and become the 36th President if the United States”...
Re: Was J.F.K. murdered?
Unread post Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:28 pmAs much is revealed by the narrator of the JFK hoax as by the dreadful ’60s video fakery.
“We now go live to Andrews Airforce Base…
The enclosed ramp contains the remains of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And a gray US Navy ambulance has pulled into sight and is now directly in front of the ramp.
There is some confusion here at the moment which is understandable. This tragic day could not be rehearsed.“Suuuuuure!
And what’s with (ex) First Lady Jackie Kennedy and her undignified exit from the plane?! Supposedly she leaps from the cargo loading ramp!! How unladylike! And when she jumps onto the tarmac, the ramp is supposedly still five feet in the air! Wouldn’t fancy insuring her ankles!
And yet moments later, newly sworn-in LBJ makes a fittingly presidential exit from Airforce One. Gliding genteelly down a flight of metal steps which appeared out of nowhere!
simonshack » January 22nd, 2019, 11:23 am wrote:*
Love that custard / creampie-fight analogy, dear SCS !
Reminds of that final scene which, we’re told, was (infamously) cut out of Stanley Kubrick’s DOCTOR STRANGELOVE.
At one point in the scene, a custard pie strikes the American President smack in the face – and a General cries out:
“Gentlemen, our beloved president has been infamously struck down by a pie in the prime of his life!”
As the story goes, the scene was eventually scrapped by Kubrick – due to the “unfortunate & coincidental timing” of the movie’s originally-planned release date (November, 22 1963)…
“But after test screening the film on or around the 22 November 1963 – the day of John F. Kennedy’s assassination – the scene was taken out, Kubrick having decided “it was too farcical and not consistent with the satiric tone of the rest of the film.” That line of dialogue about the president being struck down in the prime of his life was a little too close to the bone, too.” … -pie-fightYou may thus hopefully forgive me for suspecting that the “JFK assassination” was nothing more than a pre-planned psyop (or, if you will, a gigantic custard pie thrown in the faces of all this world’s inhabitants) and that Kubrick was in on it.
[Bold inserted by SCS for emphasis.]Well well. . . it turns out that a “food fight” can accidentally lead to something productive after all.
“[S]truck down by a pie in the prime of his life,”. . . oh my. . . if that’s not a dead give-away . . .
Also, “[a]s the story goes, the scene was eventually scrapped by Kubrick – due to the “unfortunate & coincidental timing” of the movie’s originally-planned release date (November, 22 1963)…”
Oh yes, of course. . . and I wonder where we’ve seen this concept before . . .
That’s a terrific find Simon.
Wowsers. . .scs
Re: Was J.F.K. murdered?
Unread post Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:29 amJust came across this which made me go “hmmm”:Ambling around the plots near the tiny St. Columba’s chapel, Kennedy paused over Koehler’s white granite cross grave marker and pondered his own mortality, hoping out loud that when his time came, he would not have to die without religion. “But these things can’t be faked,” he added. “There’s no bluffing.”
Emphasis added.
There’s also a “seeming” reference to the number “133” which I shall find links to and add here later.
Best do it now, lest I forget!